Join the movement of 962,049 people building a more just and people-powered Mzansi

Together we’re turning every cell phone into a democracy building tool
Anyone can join our movement by sending an SMS pls call me, or Whatsapp msg to
062 177 6937 or dial *134*1994*789# it’s free. Or sign up here. is a movement of 962,049 people taking action to build a more just people-powered Mzansi. We’re working to turn every cell phone into a democracy tool, so that those most affected by injustice, Black women, can mobilise in numbers that challenge power.
Anyone can join our movement by sending an SMS, pls call me, or Whatsapp msg to 062 177 6937 or dial *134*1994*789# it’s free. Or sign up here.
Is there an issue in your community you want to campaign on? We can support you to set up and launch a campaign. is working to be funded by everyday people like you. To challenge power in Mzansi, we don't accept funding from corporations, our political parties or our government. To remain independent and non-partisan, we rely on donations from every day people like you.