At the Union Buildings, the signatures of over 58 000 in support of extending and increasing the R350 grant were handed over to a Presidency representa tive.

At the Union Buildings, the signatures of over 58 000 in support of extending and increasing the R350 grant were handed over to a Presidency representative.
The campaign echoes the demands being made by many organisations such as Black Sash that the R350 SRD grant is increased to at least the food poverty line of R585 per month, provide the grant caregivers who receive the child grant, reassess the unduly harsh and narrow criteria that exclude many people from receiving the grant. The petition also calls for the R350 grant to be kept until it is turned into Basic Income Support (BIS) of R1 268 per month for people aged 18-59 with little to no income.
The end of April could mean the end of the R350 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) for an estimated 6 million people. Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu is reported to have requested National Treasury extend the R350 grant. President Ramaphosa is under increasing pressure to act. Sinah, one of the campaign signers, says that: “This money is not enough, but it can make a difference in living expenses. Some people lost their jobs due to the pandemic, so this small amount of grant came in handy for their families.” Another supporter, Donovan, says: “I’ve signed because I’ve seen how desperate people are for this grant, standing in long lines come rain or heat. They need it.”
“Support for the extension and increase of the R350 COVID SRD grant has been overwhelming, which shows just how many households rely on this grant. If President Ramaphosa does not listen, millions of households could struggle even more to survive” says campaigner Tlou Seopa.
According to Black Sash, close to 10 million people applied for the R350 COVID SRD grant. About three million were rejected and states that the president’s projection for a recovering economy with significant employment opportunities by the end of 2021 was extremely unrealistic [1]. This shows how millions of people without jobs who depend on this grant will be left stranded if the grant is terminated.
Signatures were collected not only online but also through SMS, Whatsapp, and other accessible means.
Find the campaign here: Extend and increase R350 SRD grant until it’s turned into Basic Income Support:
The campaign can also be signed by sending your name by Please Call Me, SMS or Whatsapp to 0621776937.
For more information and interviews:
Dineo Rabaholo Campaigner
Cell: 081 461 3651
Email: [email protected]
Tlou Seopa Campaigner
Cell: 081 761 5326
Email: [email protected]
[1] Black Sash call for increase of ‘inadequate’ R350 Covid-19 relief grant, Ernest Mabuza for TimesLive, 12 February 2021.