Joyina intshukumo yabantu abangama 962,049 ekwakheni uMzantsi-Afrika olawula ngobulungisa nalapho abemi bathatha inxaxheba ekulawulweni kwabo.

Sijika i cellphone yakho ibe sisixhobo sokwakha iDemokhrasi
Joyina nawe ngokuthumela iSMS, please call me okanye iWhatsapp
ku 062 17 POWER. Okanye usayine apha.
Latest Campaigns
Tell Minister of Justice to ban public displays of the Apartheid flag
We call on you, Minister of Justice Michael Masutha and Director General of the Department of Justice Vusi Madonsela, to ban public displays of the Apartheid flag.
Sijika i cellphone yakho ibe sisixhobo sokwakha iDemokhrasi
Joyina nawe ngokuthumela iSMS, please call me okanye iWhatsapp
ku 062 17 POWER. Okanye usayine apha.
Is there an issue in your community you want to campaign on? We can support you to set up and launch a campaign. is working to be funded by everyday people like you. To challenge power in Mzansi, we don't accept funding from corporations, our political parties or our government. To remain independent and non-partisan, we rely on donations from every day people like you.